
  • Zulfa Azizah UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Ayu Rahmatika Safira Putri UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



ergonomics, productivity, teachers


Nowadays, many teachers are considered less productive in carrying out their duties, even though teacher productivity is very important in improving their professional quality. However, if teachers are left without increasing their productivity, it will result in teachers not being able to convey lesson material to students well, because the indicator is that teachers are considered productive if they can carry out their duties well. The purpose of this writing is (1) To examine the application of ergonomics of infrastructure in learning which is very necessary in supporting teacher work productivity at Assa'adah Elementary School, (2) To find out the urgency of the ergonomics of infrastructure at Assa'adah Elementary School in supporting teacher productivity (3) To know the obstacles faced in socializing ergonomics in supporting teacher work productivity. The method used is a qualitative approach through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this writing are that (1) The implementation of ergonomics in infrastructure at Assa'adah Elementary School is still not optimal because the teachers at Assa'adah Elementary School still do not understand the principles of ergonomics, (2) The urgency of ergonomics at Assa'adah Elementary School is that it can improve teacher professionalism at work (3) Lack of teacher understanding results in many obstacles in fulfilling the ergonomics of the infrastructure at Assa'adah Elementary School to increase teacher productivity. The implication of this writing is that the principles of ergonomics of infrastructure are very important for teacher work productivity. Apart from that, the obstacles faced by teachers in increasing their work productivity can be used as a challenge as well as an opportunity.   Keywords: ergonomics, productivity, teachers


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