Development, Teaching Materials, research-based learning, RBL, Scientific LiteracyAbstract
This research aims to produce products in the form of science teaching materials based on the research-based learning (RBL) model that are valid, practical and effective for increasing the scientific literacy of elementary school students. The type of research is development research (R n D). The development model chosen is 4D (Define, design, development, and disseminate). This research has reached the third stage, namely development. The disseminate stage was not carried out because the aim of product development was to test the suitability of teaching materials so that product development was considered complete at the product trial stage and did not disseminate the product. The define stage includes curriculum analysis, analysis of student characteristics, and material analysis. The design stage involves designing learning devices and teaching materials. The development stage carried out validity tests, practicality tests and effectiveness tests. The research results show: 1) The teaching materials developed are categorized as very valid; 2) The implementation of the RPP went very well and smoothly; and 3) the increase in students' scientific literacy increased and students gave a very positive response, namely 94%, to the learning carried out. Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that the science teaching materials based on the research-based learning (RBL) model that have been developed are feasible (valid, practical and effective) and can increase the scientific literacy of grade V elementary school students.Downloads
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