teaching strategy, vocabulary, teacher.Abstract
To assist the student's learning process and provide the best possible learning results, teaching strategies must be used while teaching vocabulary. This research aims to analyze and describe, then find out the types of strategies used by English teachers in teaching vocabulary to seventh and eighth-grade students and to reveal why teachers used these types of strategies in teaching vocabulary in two selected Junior high schools in Central Lombok. The research method used is qualitative method with a multiple case study. 4 English teachers are selected as the sample of this research from the entire 4 population. The instruments of this research were observation, interview, and documentation. The collected data were analyzed by using data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. This research indicated that English teachers used 8 strategies in teaching vocabulary. Those strategies include flashcards, games, word walls, memorization, translation, discussion realia, and pictures. Out of these strategies, the most dominant strategies used by the teachers are discussion and using pictures. The results of observations, interviews, and documentation, show that these strategies commonly used by the teacher because they are easy to be remember by the students. Besides, it is fun and makes it more interesting to learn English vocabulary.Downloads
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