learning media, alphabet houses, writing skillsAbstract
The low level of writing skills in the second grade of SDN Masangan Wetan, Sukodono Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency is the background of this research.The writing ability of students is below the standard value of school provisions which is 72. This is due to the lack of innovation in learning media used so that the media is less effective / concrete. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of alphabet house media on writing skills and to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes on theme 8 subtheme 1 grade 2 elementary school after using alphabet house media. This research is a quantitative research with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The research was conducted in class 2 which consisted of 30 samples. Data analysis techniques using t-test with sig 0.05 and student test results. The results of hypothesis testing using the t-test obtained a sig value of 0.012 <0.05 so that H1 can be concluded that the alphabet house media affects the writing skills of students on theme 8 subtheme 1 grade 2 elementary school. The experimental class students' writing skills test obtained a percentage of 75% which was classified as a good category and a control class of 59%. While the student learning outcomes test obtained a percentage of 80% which showed an increase from the previous percentage of 63%, it can be concluded that after using the alphabet house media there is an influence on writing skills and an increase in student learning outcomes.Downloads
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