MMP, problem solving ability, learning motivationAbstract
This study aims to analyze the validity and find learning tools based on the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) model that are practical and effective in improving elementary school students' problem-solving skills and motivation. The research was carried out at SD Negeri 014647 Mekar Tanjung, Asahan Regency. The research population was all fifth grade students and the sample was determined as many as 60 students. The research instrument consisted of expert assessment sheets, motivational questionnaires and tests of students' mathematical problem solving abilities. The analysis technique uses expert validation and calculates Gain and N-gain with student test results. The results of the study stated that the mathematics learning tool based on the MMP model developed was valid for use in the implementation of learning in class V SD Negeri 014647 Mekar Tanjung, Asahan Regency. The MMP model-based mathematics learning tool is practically used in the implementation of learning in class V SD Negeri 014647 Mekar Tanjung, Asahan Regency. Suggestions for this research include that the learning tools developed need to be tested on other schools so that the scope and quality of this model can be met and to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the product because this research only reached stage 3, namely development has not yet reached the deployment stage (decimate).Downloads
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