
  • Vol. 5 No. 1 January 2025
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: Enhancing Student Engagement and Writing In Language Education, A Comparative Analysis of Pro-Japanese Imperialist Poetry in Malaysia and Korea - Seeking to Determine Korean Literature's Identity, Design of Installation Photography Work: Menembus Rikuh Memikat Kerinduan, The Aesthetics of Sand Beds in Kampung Kasur Pasir, East Legung Village, Sumenep, Madura; Terrorist Myth Construction using Bits Arrangement on Acting in the movie Long Road to Heaven, Unveiling the Hidden Meanings Behind the Karembong Beureum Illustration: A Study of Visual Communication Semiotics in the Work of Ayi R. Sacadipura, Promotion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Kampung Budaya Jalawastu in Commercial Photography.
  • Vol. 4 No. 2 July 2024
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: Visual Representation of Photography on the Cover of Fiction Novels; An Analysis of Idiomatic Expressions found in The Lightning Thief Song Lyrics; Photo Arts Concept as Alternative Photography Works; The Optimization of the Potential of Digital Storytelling: A Curriculum for Teaching Creative Writing; An Analysis of Aesthetic Communication on Wayang Tavip’s Performance to Influence Public Understanding.
  • Vol. 4 No. 1 January 2024
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: An Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Research Articles: Examples from Natural and Social Sciences; The Education Meaning of Cockfighting Cartoons in Nusa Bali Newspapers; The Translation Techniques on Rupi Kaur’s The Sun and Her Flowers Based on the Lefevere’s Perspective; Material Processes in BBC’s Articles on Plastic Pollution; Syntax of Language in Visual Arts Education: Interactive Understanding through Image Prompt Generator.
  • Vol. 3 No. 2 July 2023
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: The Nawa Gapura Marga Raja Gate as a Representation of the Cirebon Islamic Monarchy in Indonesia during the 17th Century; Semiotics Analysis of Richard Ross Art Photography Juvenile-in-Justice; A Systemic Functional Linguistic Study on Language Use of Indonesian Students in Writing; Logico-Semantic Relation in The World Health Organization’s Covid-19 Myth-Busters; Mastery Learning Model Based on Appreciation Approach at Photography and Film Program, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung.
  • Vol. 3 No. 1 January 2023
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: The Implementation of "Maneuh di Sunda" Local Wisdom in Character Education at Purwakarta Regency; Social Campaign Design about the Story of Sundanese Pantun Ciung Wanara for Teenagers in Bandung; Figurative Language Analysis on Efek Rumah Kaca’s Song Lyrics at Sinestesia 2015 Album; Contrastive Analysis of the Meaning of Japanese and Indonesian Proverbs Formed from Words 犬 (Dog) and 猫 (Cat); Indonesian Jurassic Park's Komodo National Park Project Controversy (A Critial Discourse Analysis of's Environmental News).
  • Vol. 2 No. 2 July 2022
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: Lyrics and Tone Analysis (An Ethnomusicology Research), Discourse in  Cultural Capital in Indonesia's Underground Music Scene, The Elicit Function of Speech Acts in Questioning on Investigative Interviews in Criminal Inspection, Hate Speeches Analysis from Forensic Linguistic Perspective, and Brand Dilution: An Analysis of The IKEA Versus IKEMA Dispute. 
  • Vol. 2 No. 1 January 2022
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)

    The current issue of Jomantara contains five recent studies namely: The Modernity of Naga Village Community: Social Change Study through Visual Media Analysis, Binaural Beat of Bringbrung Music, White Crocodile as Social Criticism of Polygamy Phenomenon in Curug Dahu Village, A Literature Analysis of “Kering” By Iwan Simatupang, and Imagism of Chinese Poem: A Literary Study on Ezra Pound’s Poetry. Hopefully all research can give positive contribution towards art and culture disciplines. 
  • Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2021
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: 1) Historical cultural study on women empowerment activity in West Java 2) Study of the form and meaning of an artifact in Cirebon, West Java 3) Visual studies of a heritage relic in West Java 4) Study that concern in mixed cultural representation of a character figure and 5) a study in music industry.  
  • Vol. 1 No. 1 January 2021
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)

    Journal Jomantara is a peer reviewed International e-Journal written in English. It is published in two issues per year (January and July). The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, Journal Jomantara intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing art and culture in the world. Journal Jomantara also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured art and culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows: art and culture. This edition covers the discussion on various range of topics such as: 1) music as global culture reporoduction, 2) the value contain on traditional game, 3) visual culture on illustration, 4) lingustics issue in Malay language, and 5) the discussion on filming Sundanese local hero.