Logico-Semantic Relation in The World Health Organization’s Covid-19 Myth-Busters


  • Edfan Juliansyah Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Lia Maulia Indrayani
  • Ekaning Krisnawati


Systemic Functional Linguistics, Clause Complex, Logical Metafunction, Logico-semantic Relation, Covid-19 Myth-busters


In delivering the contents of the World Health Organization’s Covid-19 Myth-busters, the creator realized clause complexes besides clause simplexes. This research focuses on analyzing logico-semantic relation of clause complex. Thus, it can reveal the creator’s intention in realizing the clause complexes when conveying the myth-busters to the people of the world. This research utilizes a qualitative-descriptive research method. There are 48 expansion relationships in the myth-busters. They include one elaboration relationship, 22 extension relationships, and 25 enhancement relationships. Enhancement is the most-realized clause relationship in the myth-busters. This means that the creator intended to convey complementary ideas in the clause complexes by referencing time, condition, reason, purpose, and cause related to managing misinformation about Covid-19.


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