Irwan Saleh Indrapradja (1)
(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pasundan Bandung , Indonesia


A notary profession is a profession that serves the needs of the community, a supervisory agency is needed for the notary to carry out his professional duties. To be conveyed and delivered nobleness, as well as professional notary work regulations, the government has approved and established institution, one of which is called the Regional Supervisory Council (MPD). Regional Supervisory Council, in carrying out its duty of supervising faces some problems, one of which coming from the Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 49 / PUU-X / 2012. This article discusses the Regional Supervisory Councils at the City and Regency level for the Notary profession as a supervisory institution and the frontline in notary oversight. The authority of the MPD is only to reprimand both verbally and in writing. The authority of the MPD which was originally able to take action against the performance of a notary that was against the ethic and moral as mandated by the law, has been revoked by the Constitutional Court Decision. This causes weakness of MPD Notary. Meanwhile, the notary profession in the state system is needed as the frontline in law enforcement in addition to other legal professions. MPD at the City and Regency level for the Notary profession  is as a supervisory institution and the frontline in planning and implementing noble moral dignity for the notary profession.
Keywords: Notary Regional Supervisory Council.

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Irwan Saleh Indrapradja (Primary Contact)

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