learning difficulties, calistung learning, elementary schoolAbstract
The learning process is a conscious effort made by the student for a change in various aspects, namely knowledge/competence, attitudes, skills, and others. A person's ability to learn is an important characteristic that everyone must have. One of the stages of student learning that should be studied in elementary schools is the implementation of calsitung learning. Calistung or commonly called reading, writing, and arithmetic is a skill that must be possessed by all children. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of learning difficulties in calistung for grade III elementary school students and find out what efforts can be given to overcome this problem. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method with research subjects namely grade III students at SD Negeri 15 Pemali. There are three stages of data analysis used, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that out of 15 students in class IIIB there was 1 student who still had difficulty reading, writing and arithmetic. Factors that influence reading, writing, and arithmetic difficulties include the inability of students to recognize letters, the study habits of students both in class and at home, and, having a slow ability to understand a subject.Downloads
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