
  • Mille Nove Milenium PGSD FKIP Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Elvira Hoesein Radia PGSD FKIP Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana




Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking


Experimental research based on the results of a Class V UTS mathematics survey at SDN 007 Balikpapan based on the study of Waskito & Rahayu (2016) shows that the average student score is 45 below the KKM. Students have difficulty solving math problems. Subsequent research by Anggoro (2015) states that students are still lacking in solving math problems, this is due to the learning style of students who memorize formulas and do not understand basic concepts. In addition, other factors that affect students' low critical thinking skills and problem solving are caused by the teacher's lack of attention when emphasizing students' critical thinking. To overcome this problem, researchers used the problem-based learning model. The research method is quasi-experimental research. This study uses the Quasi Experiment Design method, which is a form of experimental design that has a control group, but cannot fully function to control external variables that affect the implementation of the experiment. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Mangunsari 07, Sidomukti District, Salatiga City, Central Java Province for fifth grade elementary school students. Data collection techniques with tests, non-tests with observation and scoring rubrics. The results obtained: P problem based learning is significant in increasing students' critical thinking at SD Negeri Magunsari 07. Based on the table above, a tcount of 1.658 is obtained. The results of the analysis of the t test or different test with Sig.2-tailed the experimental and control groups were 0.104. Because the significant value of 2-tailed for both classes is more <0.05, it can be concluded that Hₒ is rejected and Hₐ is accepted, which means that the learning outcomes using the problem-based learning model are significant in increasing students' critical thinking.


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