classroom action research, learning interest, realistic mathematics educationAbstract
Based on the results of observations made, students' interest in learning was still very low in Mathematics. The learning model that is often used is lectures without using concrete media. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the learning process through the application of various learning approaches, student-centered and interesting media. The implementation of learning models and media used varies and is in accordance with the characteristics of the students. Classroom Action Research with the aim of Increasing Student Learning Interest Through a Realistic Mathematical Education Approach Material Building Volume for Class V. The research was conducted in two learning cycles. The subjects of this study consisted of 14 students, namely 5 male students and 9 female students of Class V SDN 1 Gampeng, Ngluyu District, Nganjuk Regency, Academic Year 2022/2023. This study uses four kinds of data collection techniques, namely: documentation, observation, questionnaire (questionnaire), and tests. The research results obtained showed that students' interest in learning mathematics in cycle I was 65% or 9 students were in the good or very good category and in cycle II the student interest increased to 85% or 12 students were in the good or very good category. Based on these results it can be said that the application of the Realistic Mathematics Education approach can increase the interest of fifth grade students at SDN 1 Gampeng, Ngluyu District, Nganjuk Regency.Downloads
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