This study aims to develop a practice guide for dance art material about various dance moves in the form of picture card teaching materials using research and development methods from Dick and Carey that are appropriate to the stages of learning. The method was used in addition to knowing how the development of picture card teaching materials and how the feasibility of the product developed through the validation of media experts, material experts, linguists, and product trials. The data collection instrument used in this research and development was a questionnaire with qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results of this research and development are in the form of printed teaching materials based on various dance image cards along with descriptions of dance movements. Testing the feasibility of media experts from the due diligence process, it can be seen that teaching materials based on picture cards are very effective for learning after the researcher conducts an initial test (pretest). From this study, it can be seen that there are two hostile ranks and 18 positive ranks from 20 respondents, while in table z, it is -4.678, while the Asym.Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000 because 0.000 is less than <0. 05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted. This means that there is feasibility in using picture card-based teaching materials for the process and learning outcomes of dance practice at Muh Demangan Elementary School. Keywords: development of teaching materials, picture cards, dance practice guidesDownloads
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