
  • Nazwa Natania Irawan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



art, creative, innovativ, learning, music


The advantages of learning the art of music produce creative and innovative values for those who study it in depth. Teachers can apply creative and innovative values to elementary school students by making music a learning medium. In this process each teacher has different steps that need to be taken and also adapts to existing school rules. To optimally achieve the goals of learning the arts of music, it requires support from various aspects such as schools that support the facilities and infrastructure, teachers who support them with their teaching skills, and a willingness to want to know more about the art of music from their students. However, it is undeniable that this support cannot be provided all at once in learning the art of music at SDN Mekarjaya 04. Even so, it does not mean that the goals of learning music art in elementary schools cannot be achieved but are still going through a process. In the discussion of this article, researchers specialize in learning the arts of music at SDN Mekarjaya 04, including the learning habits provided by the teacher, the obstacles experienced along with what efforts must be taken in addressing the obstacles encountered, as well as the forms of art activities that are held at SDN Mekarjaya 04. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Collecting data in this study by interview. Other data sources are from several supporting journal sources.  


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