
  • Lovandri Dwandra Putra PGSD FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Juanda Febriyah PGSD FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Nur Annisa Fitrimia Sholihah PGSD FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Akifatun Nafisah PGSD FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Implementation, Technology, Elementary School


Today's era has changed significantly, as well as the world of education which requires us to always be up-to-date, especially in relation to all kinds of technology. Teachers today are required to be proficient in digital technology. This issue should be a major concern because the presence of digital technology in schools can stimulate students' interest in learning. The utilization of this technology can also make it easier for teachers to deliver material and encourage students to increase their creativity so that it is successful and students can also understand the material, show interest or become enthusiastic about participating in learning. Based on this problem, the purpose of this research is to see the use of digiyal technology-based teaching materials used by teachers in the learning process. The research method used by researchers is descriptive and interview. The results we get in research at MIN 2 Bantul are that the school has provided digital technology so that teachers can make teaching using technology and media such as Microsoft Excel, Canva, Power Point, and video. Implementing digital into the learning process has a positive impact on student learning achievement and cognitive skills of learners who increase because the learning environment is familiar because they are used to using digital technology. Based on the research, it can be concluded that MIN 2 Bantul has been innovative by implementing digital technology learning so that students are more motivated in learning.


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