
  • Tasya Novita Sari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Syarip Hidayat Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Asep Nuryadin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



e-module, character, first aid, scout


Teaching materials are one of the most important learning tools to support the achievement of learning objectives. In the learning process, teaching materials can be used by teachers to help students understand the material being studied. Based on preliminary studies conducted by researchers, the use of teaching materials in the scout extracurricular learning process is still very limited. The content of the material and examples in the teaching materials is also still incomplete, one of the materials that is not included is about First Aid in Accidents (P3K). Even though this material is important to be given because it is one of the skills that must be mastered by the scouts. There are many examples of attitudes that are included in the character value of social care in the material, one of which is helping. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials in the form of electronic modules related to First Aid in Accidents (P3K) material with social care character. This research is a research and development with the ADDIE model development method which consists of 5 stages of research, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The research subjects were 40 students who were members of the scouts of SDN 1 Karangsambung and SDN Mekarwangi. Based on validation tests with experts and 2 trials, the products that have been developed from all aspects meet the criteria. Thus, the e-module teaching materials that have been developed are suitable for use as learning resources in the extracurricular scout learning process.  


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