
  • Nasicha Qairo Riyani PGSD FKIP IKIP PGRI Wates
  • Wulan Tri Puji Utami FIP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Salma Zubaidah PGSD FKIP IKIP PGRI Wates
  • Yulia Palupi PGSD FKIP IKIP PGRI Wates



School-based managemen, implementation, primary education


The new educational management implemented at the Clereng State Elementary School is school-based management. This study aims to describe the Clereng Public Elementary School, to know the processes, plans, implementation, obstacles, and school-based management efforts at the Elementary School. Descriptive method with a qualitative approach is used in this study. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were the principals and teachers of Clereng Public Elementary School. Community participation or school committees have duties and functions to improve the quality of education in educational units. The school committee supports, provides input, motivates and monitors teacher performance and establishes cooperative relationships with other parties in seeking funds and extracurriculars. The results of the study show that the planning and implementation of school-based management at Clereng Public Elementary School is going well, despite financial constraints. and the shortage of young Human Resources to become educators in these Elementary Schools. This is due to the condition of educators who have entered old age or retirement age.


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