
  • Yuliana Fitri Amin Program Studi PPG Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Joko Siswanto Program Studi PPG Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Mei Untari Program Studi PPG Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Novemy Kanitri SDN Pedurungan Kidul 01



Keywords: Differentiated Learning; Process Aspect; Learning Outcomes;


Differentiated learning is a strategy that teachers can use to adjust the learningprocess to meet the needs of each student. The adjustments in question are relatedto interests, learning profiles, student readiness in order to achieve increasedlearning outcomes. The background of this research is that differentiation learningis less than optimal where the teacher has not accommodated the learning needsof students, in the form of learning readiness, learning interest and profile or learningstyle of students. The purpose of this research is to improve student learningoutcomes through differentiation learning involving aspects of processdifferentiation. This study uses the classroom action research (PTK) method whichconsists of the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection adopted fromKemmis & Taggart (1998). This research was carried out at SDN Pedurungan Kidul01 with research subjects in class 1B as many as 28 students. The results of thisstudy were that in the pre-cycle there were 13 (46.43%) students who completed,and 15 (53.57%) students did not complete with an average score of 57.86. Cycle Iexperienced an increase of 20 (71.43%) students who completed, and 8 (28.57%)students who did not complete with an average score of 71.61. Furthermore, in cycleII it increased again to 16 (92.86%) students who completed, and 2 (7.14%) studentswho did not complete with an average score of 90.00. This research shows that theimplementation of process aspect differentiated learning can improve class 1Blearning outcomes in Indonesian language subject BAB 4 “Aku Bisa (Bermain danBergerak)”.


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