
  • Shasliani Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Sri Indah Suriyati Universitas Negeri Makassar



spiritual intelligence, teachers, quality social studies learning


The research aims to determine the description of the spiritual intelligence of social studies teachers at SMPN 8 Palopo and the implementation of teachers' spiritual intelligence to improve the quality of social studies learning at SMP Negeri 8 Palopo.This research uses a descriptive qualitative method using a phenomenological approach which is carried out by deliberately selecting informants based on certain considerations obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The data obtained was then tested for the validity of the data by means of source triangulation, technical triangulation, and audit trail. At this time the data from interviews and observations were combined which then gave birth to a review of the topic that had been researched, namely the Implementation of Teachers' Spiritual Intelligence to Improve the Quality of Social Studies Learning at SMPN 8 Palopo.The results of the research show that the spiritual intelligence of teachers at SMPN 8 Palopo is categorized as quite good, where teachers apply their spiritual intelligence in teaching to support improving the quality of learning. There are five indicators that support teachers' spiritual intelligence in learning, namely; absolute honesty, self-knowledge, openness, non-dogmatic contribution and spiritual focus. The implementation of teachers' spiritual intelligence in the learning process at SMP 8 Palopo is quite good, teachers are required to be as creative as possible in planning learning and use the spiritual intelligence they have in learning so that the school's vision and mission and the desired learning objectives are achieved, namely a school that breathes religion and learning based on CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning). So in forming learning plans teachers try to implement this learning system in the classroom. The CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) learning process is able to provide the desired learning improvement. The teachers at SMPN 8 Palopo use CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) based learning and most of the learning carried out can be said to be successful.


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