
  • Zelin Norma Resty Universitan PGRI Madiun
  • Heny Kusuma W



This research aims to increase students' understanding of pictogram data processing with problem-based learning (PBL). The research design used was classroom action research (PTK) with class IV B research subjects at SDN 02 Mojorejo, Madiun City. Research data was obtained using observation instruments description tests and checklist marks. Research data was analyzed descriptively and as indicators of success. Based on the analysis, it is known that learning with PBL has shown success. The learning outcomes of students' understanding are also obtained to achieve completeness. The success and completeness of learning are demonstrated by the overall average of learning implementation and the value of learning outcomes that meet the specified indicator criteria. The results of this research indicate that PBL learning improves students' learning outcomes in understanding data processing in the form of pictograms. Keywords: Pictogram, PBL, Mathematic Understanding


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