
  • Aulia Asri Utami Universitas Mataram
  • Yuliatin
  • Sawaludin
  • Rispawati




Effort, Sentra Paramita Mataram, Children’s Right, Born out of wedlock


A The protection of Indonesian children as the nation's next generation who are free from discrimination has not been fully implemented. This has been proven in our society where there are still many children whose protection is not paid attention to in fulfilling their rights, one of which is children born out of wedlock. Children born out of wedlock are sometimes disowned and abandoned by their biological fathers and in fact children born out of wedlock often experience discrimination. Therefore, this research was conducted to see what efforts were made by Sentra Paramita Mataram to protect the rights of children born out of wedlock. This research was conducted at the Mataram Paramita Center. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research show that Sentra Paramita Mataram has made several efforts to properly protect the rights of children born out of wedlock. This is done by fulfilling several of the child's rights. Sentra Paramita Mataram always strives to protect the rights of children born out of wedlock by providing the best services to all children who are undergoing rehabilitation at this institution. This service is of course provided so that children do not feel discriminated against because of several things or cases that happened to them and so that they can still be seen as the same as other children who are not undergoing rehabilitation.


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