
  • Ulfah Ratna Widanti Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta
  • Heri Maria Zulfiati Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
  • Nawal El Moutawaqil SD Negeri 2 Karangluhur
  • Hendika Whesli SD Negeri Jogoyitnan
  • Sri Eko Wahyuni SD Negeri 3 Kutowinangun



Differentiated, Google Drive, IPS


This research aims to determine the application of differentiated learning in social studies learning. The research was conducted using a qualitative method, case study approach, and triangulation techniques in data collection, namely the results of observation, interviews and documentation. Researchers produced findings including that the implementation of differentiated learning assisted by Google Drive has been successfully implemented by social studies teachers. In this case, there are three types of differentiation used, namely content differentiation, process differentiation and product differentiation. The results of differentiated learning assisted by Google Drive provide a positive impact both in terms of teachers and students. Through differentiated learning assisted by Google Drive, teachers feel happy because students are more enthusiastic and engaging, this is manifested in the form of products produced by students in learning that are very creative. However, the challenges faced by teachers at the differentiation stage of the process are that teachers still find confusion when differentiating the teaching materials that should be given to each of the various students.


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