Learning Outcomes, Al-Qur'an Hadith, Discovery Learning Method.Abstract
The aim of this research is to describe the process of improving the learning outcomes of Al-Qur'an Hadith for class IV students through the discovery learning method at IiMIN 3 North Labuhanbatu. This research method is Classroom Action Research. The application of the Discovery Learning method was carried out in this research in two cycles where the method was combined in making lesson plans carried out by researchers and teachers in the Al-Qur'an Hadith learning studied. Students' reading ability increased by using the Discovery Learning method, researchers used 2 cycles to prove it, in cycle I the average of students' reading ability was 2.38 and in cycle II students' reading ability was 4.02, an increase of 1.64, and from learning outcomes during the pre-cycle (before the cycle) to cycle I and cycle II there was also an increase, namely in the pre-cycle student learning outcomes were 58% and in cycle I student learning outcomes were 67%, an increase of 9%, in cycle II student learning outcomes were 84% so the cycle I to II increased 17%. So the increase in students' reading skills using the Discovery Learning method has increased quite significantly so that using this method can help in the learning process.Downloads
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