Literasi, metode Dua Kata, Peningkatan Minat BacaAbstract
The lack of literacy that occurs in the field indicates that the decline of children in liking this literacy activity, especially children's interest in reading is still lacking, therefore the purpose of this study is to provide a new perception of the application of the two-word method as a learning approach to increase reading interest that occurs in the lower grade, namely the first grade. This study used a PTK type research method (classroom action research) with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study stated that the first cycle of research has not reached the first cycle target of 60% with a percentage of results of only 59%. And the second cycle of testing was carried out with a percentage exceeding 70% with the results of 71.5%, which can be interpreted as an increase in reading interest of lower grade students using this two-word method.Downloads
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