
  • Yuliana Elsa Rudun Lewar Lewar Universitas Nusa Nipa
  • Desi Maria El Puang El Puang Universitas Nusa Nipa
  • Yohanes Ehe Lawotan Lawotan Universitas Nusa Nipa



problem based learning model, lesson study, student learning outcomes


Learning in class V in science subjects centered on teachers and books. Book is the only source of learning. Students not conduct group discussions. Learning is mostly done with lectures, and assignments like homework. Students not trained in problem solving. As a result, the learning outcomes of 26 students were 10 (38%) complete and 16 (62%) incomplete. The purpose of the study was to determine the learning outcomes of science through the application of a problem-based learning model based on class V lesson study SDK Nita 1. Research method uses lesson study-based classroom action research with “plan-do-see” stages. The research instruments used are learning observation sheets, student activity observation sheets, lesson study stage assessment sheets and test questions. The results showed in cycle 1 results of lesson study stage assessment amounted to 85.5; results of observations of student activities amounted to 81% with very good categories; test scores of 26 students were found to be 9 (35%) students who were incomplete and 17 (65%) complete. Cycle 2, known results assessment of the lesson study stages are 92; results observations of student activities amounted to 84% with very good categories; And test scores are known to be 4 (15%) students who are incomplete and 22 (85%) complete. Based on these results, can be concluded, application of the problem-based learning model through lesson study can improve the learning outcomes of science material interdependence between biotic-abiotic components in grade V students of SDK Nita 1.


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