Emocial social, Pembina Lahat State KindergartenAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine the social emotional development of children at the Pembina Lahat State Kindergarten. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research method. The data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the research results that the Role of Human Resources in Children's Social-Emotional Development: Teachers at the Pembina Lahat State Kindergarten play an important role in shaping children's social skills through teaching and creating a supportive environment. supports emotional development. On the other hand, parents have a big influence on children's social-emotional development through interaction and emotional support at home. These two groups are key human resources in helping children grow and develop socially and emotionally. Collaboration Between Parties as an Important Factor: Close collaboration between schools and families is a key factor in supporting children's social-emotional development. Open communication and collaboration between teachers and parents ensures that children receive consistent and holistic support in educational settings and at home. This collaboration is an important foundation in creating an environment that supports positive and balanced social-emotional development for children at the Pembina Lahat State Kindergarten.Downloads
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