gadget, impact, childAbstract
In the era of information technology that continues to develop rapidly, gadgets or electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets, and computers have become an indispensable part of our modern lives. More and more children are starting to use gadgets from an early age, even before they reach school age. Gadgets provide convenience in accessing information, communicating and entertaining, however, it is necessary to be aware that excessive use of gadgets by children also carries negative risks to their mental and emotional character. studies have shown a link between excessive use of gadgets and various mental and emotional problems in children. At this developmental age, the influence of gadgets can affect their thinking patterns, behavior, and overall mental health. This study aims to determine the risks and negative impacts of excessive use of gadgets on children. Research methods using literature study or literature review techniques. The results showed excessive use of gadgets in children can have a negative impact on their mental character and emotions. The tendency to spend long hours in front of gadget screens can interfere with children's emotional, cognitive, and behavioral development, as well as potentially lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Children who overuse gadgets will be at risk of emotional disorders if parents do not act wisely in the use of gadgets.Downloads
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