
  • Ade Yunisa Fitriani PGSD Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



education, cultural arts, music, students, learning, schools


This study aims to analyze the importance of learning the arts of music in the development of elementary school-age children's perceptions of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) students at the Indonesian University of Education regarding learning the importance of learning the arts of music in the development of elementary school-age children. This study uses a qualitative approach, using conceptual analysis methods. Education is an investment in resources for strategic long-term needs for the continuity of human civilization throughout the world. Therefore, almost all countries regulate the Education variable because it is something that is relevant and important in the context of nation and state development. Indonesia also provides a place for education based on it because it has a major and very important role which can be seen from the contents of Preamble IV of the 1945 Constitution which confirms that it is one of the national goals of the Indonesian Nation is to educate the Indonesian nation for life, with education humans are endowed with various knowledge, skills, experience and the importance of some order in a good way of life governed by norms, other positive rules. In short education makes it possible to make all good outside and inside. Music education is something that is very necessary to shape the character of elementary school students. In elementary schools, music education is included in arts and culture and craft classes. In elementary schools, the use of the art of music is given to students for students who have not and are not optimal in building student character. In Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 1 paragraph (1) confirms that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character as well as the skills needed by himself, the community, the nation and the state. Based on the definition of education above, the main activity in education is learning. Based on the description of art education above, music is education that offers the ability to express oneself appropriately, develop one's own personality and with music, students can express themselves easily, take an active role in operations, students can further develop the art of music with creativity, music helps design character development. students, build emotions of beauty, Expression, and Honest, discipline and creative thinking.


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