
  • Firda Firlana Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Kampus Daerah Serang



Pattern of Parents, Character Education, Bullying


This research is motivated by the increasing moral damage to students and students, they often show behavioral, ethical, moral and legal attitudes that deviate from mild to severe. Therefore education must be given. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents in building children's character in responding to bullying. This study used a qualitative approach and the methods used in this study used descriptive qualitative and analytical descriptive approaches. The results of the study show that parents have a very important role in the formation of children's character. Because parents are the first figures whose behavior is imitated. The biggest possibility is that they can remember for a long time that parents can instill character in children by setting an example, learning good things, interacting with their environment, and involving children in activities at home. Thus character education that is instilled by parents from an early age in children will form good character as well as forming children who are stronger and able to carry themselves in their environment, children will be more confident. Because the upbringing of parents who are too harsh makes children accustomed to threatening situations, and also attitudes that provide examples of bullying that are detrimental or cannot make children become naughty children. In this case of bullying, parents are expected to be able to educate and strengthen children so that they are braver and not afraid and always confident, always provide the ability to be able to defend themselves. So that the child who is being bullied doesn't take revenge on that person, that's why we have to be smart in choosing people to be friends with.


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