Berani Hijrah Community; Islamic Education; Young GenerationAbstract
The focus of this research is to find out how the goals, strategies, supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and pressures carried out by the Berani Hijrah Community in improving Islamic religious education for the younger generation. This research is included in qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques consist of three kinds, namely through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Based on the results of research conducted on the Berani Hijrah Community, the authors found that: (1) The Berani Hijrah Community aims to improve Islamic religious education for the younger generation, especially in prohibiting religious matters that can make humans insanul kamil and believe in Allah SWT, (2) The Berani Hijrah Community implements persuasive communication strategies in improving Islamic religious education for the younger generation, inviting them to study Islam not only in mosques or prayer rooms but can be done in cafes without building Islamic sharia, (3) Supporting factors for the Brave Community Hijrah in improving Islamic religious education for the younger generation includes internal supporting factors (street da'wah and contemporary da'wah themes) and external supporting factors (the performance of members of the Berani Hijrah Community and the existence of good relations between the community and members of the Berani Hijrah Community). The inhibiting factor is the attitude of people's displeasure with the Berani Hijrah Community's way of preaching, the lack of funds in carrying out work programs or certain activities, and the ups and downs of congregation attendance, (4) The achievements of the Berani Hijrah Community include: 1) Becoming the first Islamic community in Deli Serdang Regency which has the most number of followers on Instagram social media; 2) An increasingly planned organizational structure; 3) The presence of increasingly crowded congregations; 4) Programs or activities that are always there never break.Downloads
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