E-ISSN: 2579 3888, P-ISSN: 2579 3861
The manuscript is an original scientific work that has the potential to support the development and progress of very high science both as a result of research and literature studies in social and political science that have never been published or are not being sent to other publications. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with a minimum length of 5000 words, written in MS Word Format, Times New Roman 12Pt and arranged in the following order:
a. Title
The title should describe the main content of the text, informative, concise, and not too wordy (12-15 words)
b. Writer's name
Full names without titles and academic degrees, including for texts written by teams, need to be completed with full contact details
c. Affiliate name for each author
The author's name must be accompanied by a complete affiliate address, postal code number, telephone number, and email address.
d. Abstract
The abstract is a summary of all article content. Abstracts are written in English if the manuscript is written in Indonesian, or written in Indonesian if the manuscript is written in English. The length of the abstract is suggested to be around 200 to 250 words that describe the research conducted explicitly with clear and clear sentences, including The main problem, purpose/objective, method, results, and prospects, not in the form of questions and guesses, and without any reference to the list References. Articles written not referring to this style of environment cannot be published in this journal, even though the content meets the requirements for publication. (Times New Roman, 12pt, single line spacing, italic).
e. Keywords
Write 3 to 5 words or phrases that contain an understanding of a concept and contain enough information to index and assist in the search. The order is arranged in alphabetical order and separated by commas. (Times New Roman, 10pt, single line spacing, italic).
f. Preliminary
Explaining the background, problems, and phenomena, among others, includes the actual problems that are important to be studied, reviewed/reviewed, and reviewed as well as scientific reasons or theoretical representations including previous findings that need to be developed, and concludes with paragraphs of research objectives.
g. Method
The method includes descriptions and explanations based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and systematic targeting the latest research results, including analytical tools. The explanation of the method is quite detailed so that the research method used can be repeated (repeatability).
h. Results and Discussion
It is a part that presents the data and information analysis, as well as the comparison and synthesis of research results based on the latest thinking obtained from the literature. The results and discussion contain a clear picture of the study or research results that are linked to the formulation of the problem as well as the results of similar studies that have been previously published. Discussions on the results of studies or research are described in this section and in general, this section also presents information supported by tables, figures, photographs, and graphs.
i. Conclusion
The conclusion is the final part of the manuscript obtained from the results of the analysis and discussion or hypothesis test results about the phenomenon under study. The conclusions are presented in one paragraph without the form of numerical expression which is also able to explain the contribution of your research to science.
j. Recognition
Recognition of contributors including funding sources such as grants (if any)
k. Reference
References or references have the meaning that only those referred to are included in it. The manuscript is written using the standard quotation application (Mendeley / Endnote / Zotero). The APA (American Psychological Association) reference style is required. references must be listed in alphabetical order. Approximately 80% of references for the literature review are the latest (most recent) journals published in the last 10 years, but the remaining 20% can be quoted from research reports and or articles.
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Pasundan
Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 68 Bandung, 40266 Indonesia
Phone: 022-4205945, 4262456