Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
R Willya Achmad W. S.Sos., M.Kesos Universitas Pasundan
Managing Editor
Dr Yuyun Yuningsih. M.Si Universitas Pasundan
Editorial Board
Dr Riany Laila Nurwulan. M.Si Universitas Pasundan
Drs H Sumardhani M.Si Universitas Pasundan
Dra Nina Kurniasih M Si Universitas Pasundan
Prof Dr Nunung Nurwati MS Universitas Padjadjaran
Prof Dr Rd. Siti Sofro Sidiq MSi Universitas Riau
Prof Dr Hj Ummu Salamah M Si Universitas Pasundan
Dr Abu Huraerah M Si Universitas Pasundan
Shirley Gatenio Gabel Fordham University New York NY USA
Jane McPherson Associate Professor & Director of Global Engagement Center for Social Justice Human and Civil Rights University of Georgia Athens GA USA
Jonathan Parker Professor of Society & Social Welfare, Director of the Centre for Social Work and Social Policy Bournemouth University UK
Gidraph Wairire University of Nairobi Kenya
Assistant Editor
Uga Pratama Gunawan Universitas Pasundan
Ikhsan Maulana Universitas Pasundan