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Manuscript is written in MS Office of compatibility mode (.doc file) with A4 size and specific format of this template. The content of manuscript includes Introduction, Methodology, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, References. Maximum number of page is 16.
Manuscript should be written in English using MSWord Compatibility Mode. The first part of the manuscript is abstract that covers the background or purpose of writing, research methodology or the basics design criteria, results and discussion or the results of the design, and conclusions. The word 'Abstract' is written using Times New Roman font in size 12pt in bold. The abstract body is written in Times New Roman font size of 11pt. The maximum number of words in the abstract is 250 words. There is no minimum limit on the number of words in the abstract, but it must contain the 4 aspects written above. The scope of writing in this journal can include literature review, research results, design or planning of systems or buildings, reviews of research results or books or systems or models that have been previously published. The important thing that must be considered in writing for this journal is the aspect of empowerment or community involvement and or aspects that focus on the interests of the community. After abstract, please provide maximum of 5 (five) keywords arranged alphabetically with a letter size of 11pt.
Introduction contains the background of research or study or planning written in this scientific manuscript. The chapter title is written in size 12pt and in bold. Citation follows APA style. Please use the online reference manager (Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero or others) or the reference menu in the MS Word file. If you are constrained using the reference manager, you can use the manual method. When using the manual method, the citation style still follows the APA style.
Research Methodology
The contents of the research methodology are the methods used to obtain the objectives of the research / study in this scientific paper. If the scientific work is in the form of planning or design, then this chapter is entitled Design Criteria. Use reliable methods and appropriate planning criteria.
In this part, it can be explained about the methods, tools, materials used in research, if in the form of planning, then the basics of planning or design criteria can be written here. Examples of writing equations can be seen in Eq. (1).
Ci = Cj x N ................. (1)
where Ci is average travel expenses from zone I, Cj is respondent number n, Ni is number of responden from zone I.
Result and Discussion
In the results and discussion, please explained the results of the study or research or planning. The results are accompanied by discussions supported by previous literature. In this section tables and figures can be created as in Table 1 and Figure 1 (please check template).
Sub Chapter
If there are sub-chapters, the title of the sub-chapters is italicized in size 11pt. If there are images, make sure they are clearly visible and the letters are sharply legible.
Table 1 shows an example of a table with a format using horizontal lines to identify the column headings and for upper and lower limits of tables. It is not allowed to draw vertical lines on the table, unless absolutely necessary.
Figure 1 shows an example graphic image created using Excel. The images shown can be in the form of diagrams or photos or the results of planning or design, maps, etc. Make sure all the writing on the picture can be clearly read.
Some other things that are not written in the instructions for the preparation of this scientific manuscript can be assumed or used a general format or is already used by papers in other journals.
In this conclusions section, please write all important findings obtained from studies or research or planning, such as, dimensions or other results.
If there are those who help in compiling this scientific paper, then this section can be used to write a thank-you note.
Please use the online reference manager (Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero or others) or the reference menu in the MS Word file. If you are constrained using the reference manager, you can use the manual method. When using the manual method, the citation style still follows the APA style.
Literature in the form of papers from magazines / scientific journals:
Yustiani, Y. M., Meilawati, Y. Y., & Yonik, M. Y. (1999). Pemodelan Kualitas Lingkungan. J. Comm. Based of Env. Eng and Manag., 3 (1), 23–32.
Literature in the form of book:
Yustiani, A. (2008). Plasma Cell (p. 35). Cambridge: Pasundan University Press.
Literature in the form of conference proceeding:
Yustiani, Y. M. (2012). Pemodelan Kualitas Lingkungan. In International Conference on Environmental Engineering (pp. 25–30). Bandung, Indonesia: Department of Environmental Engineering, Pasundan University.
Literature in the form of dissertation or thesis:
Yustiani, Y. M. (2006). Water Quality Modeling. PhD Thesis. Universitas Pasundan.
Reference from patent:
Yustiani, M. Y. (2018). Method of Calculating River Velocity. Paten Indonesia No. P2018373104.
Reference in the form of Handbook/ Guideline/ Manual or collection of papers:
Yustiani, Y. M. (2000). Water Quality Modeling. In Yonik, M.Y. (Ed.) Manual of Water Pollution Calculation (pp. 95-100). 2nd Ed. Bandung: Universitas Pasundan Press.
Supported by:
Copyright by the Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
PUBLISHED BY: Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan IN COLLABORATION WITH:
E-ISSN : 2597-9736