About the Journal

Jurnal Planologi Unpas (JPU) is a scientific publication in the field of planning, regional and urban development that accommodate the authors of various scientific experiences both theoretically and practically. Journal of Planologiunpas published by Urban and Regional Studies Program Faculty of Engineering Universitas Pasundan of Bandung that published 3 times a year in March, July and November (1 volume consists of 3 numbers) every year. Jurnal Planologi Unpas (JPU) indexed by: CROSSREFGOOGLE SCHOLAR, IPI Portal Garuda, IOS Pusnas, RESEACHBIB, ROAD ISSN, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), DOI  (Digital Object Identifier), ISJD  (Indonesian Scientific Journal Database) LIPI, ICI (Index Copernicus International).

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Planologi Unpas
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