
  • Tri Nafiah SD N Semarangan 1, UST
  • Esti Sulaimah SD N Kledokan Depok, UST
  • Heri Maria Zulfiati Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa



sosial enterpreneur, innovation, panjiwira beraksi


This research reveals the innovation of the "PANJIWIRA BERAKSI" program which aims to develop a social entrepreneurial spirit in students through a series of activities focused on entrepreneurship, numerical literacy, collaboration and relationships. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method with a focus on explaining the innovative program at SD Negeri Semarangan 1 and its impact. The research subjects consisted of 53 students in grades 4 and 5, and data was collected through documentation, observation and interviews. The "PANJIWIRA IN ACTION" program consists of three main activities: Motivational Training, Buddy Guard BUMS, and Market Day. This activity can develop a social entrepreneurial spirit, learn to collaborate with school residents and build relationships with the community. The BAGJA approach (Create Main Questions, Take Lessons, Explore Dreams, Describe Plans, and Organize Execution) is used in implementing this program, showing that educators can plan and implement changes in a structured manner. The research results show that the "PANJIWIRA BERAKSI" program has been successful in forming an entrepreneurial spirit in students. Motivational Training encourages changes in students' mindset towards entrepreneurship, while Buddy Jaga BUMS and Market Day provide real experience in entrepreneurship and collaboration. This program makes a positive contribution in preparing students to face the challenges of the 21st century with the necessary skills, while demonstrating a systematic approach in facing changes in the world of education.


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