Korean drama, moral messages, Roland Barthes semiotics, tolerance.Abstract
ABSTRACT Extraordinary Attorney Woo is a Korean drama that will air on June 29 2022 on ENA and Netflix. Yoo Inshik directed this drama, which has a 97% positive rating on Netflix. This drama has 16 episodes, each lasting approximately 60 minutes. This drama tells the story of a person with autism who becomes a brilliant lawyer at a famous law firm. She experiences many challenges inside and outside the conference as a woman with autism spectrum disorder. This research aims to determine the moral tolerance of messages in the Korean drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo. This research uses qualitative descriptive research with semiotic analysis from Roland Barthes which analyzes the denotation, connotation, myth and moral tolerance of the message. As a result of this research, the resulting denotation is a woman who suffers from autism spectrum disorder who tries to enter society by becoming a lawyer at a well-known law firm, but she experiences many challenges inside and outside the conference because she is a person with autism spectrum disorder. The connotacion, the other characters demonstrate tolerance for the main character both verbally and nonverbally, directly and indirectly. The ensuing myth is that the other characters still have an attitude of tolerance towards the main character even though this is verbal and non-verbal, direct and indirect. From the results of research analysis conducted using semiotics from Roland Barthes, It demonstrates the tolerance expressed in this drama by behaviors such as bowing and provide equal rights to people with autism. Keywords: Korean drama, moral messages, Roland Barthes semiotics, tolerance.Downloads
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