JRAK https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak <p align="justify">Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Kontemporer (JRAK)&nbsp;<span class="goog-text-highlight">published the first time in 2009 is a journal that presents research articles (empirical) as well as the results of contemporary conceptual ideas that include the science of accounting. JRAK</span>&nbsp;is published twice a year in April and October.</p> <p align="justify">Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Kontemporer (JRAK)&nbsp;has collaborated with&nbsp;<em>IAI&nbsp;Kompartemen Akuntan Pendidik</em>&nbsp;in terms of publishing and used english as an official language since April 2021&nbsp;</p> Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia en-US JRAK 2088-5091 DOES SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY MATTERS ON LOCAL MICROFINANCE IN BALI? https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/7395 <p>The massive growth of LPDs means that they must have excellent performance. LPDs are not protected by the government, so they must have good financial governance. The existence of LPDs is needed to support traditional villages and be able to synergize with Hindu philosophy in improving LPD performance. This study aims at determining the effect of four Hindu's philosophy on Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) performance as a local microfinance in Bali. The samples in this study were 64 respondents consisting of 32 chairman and 32 supervisory boards from LPD in Ubud Gianyar. The analytical method used Moderated Regression Analysis. The results showed that Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksa have a positive effect on LPD's performance. The better the application of Dharma, artha, kama, and moksa in the organization, the employees will do good things in accordance with applicable norms.</p> Ni Suryandari I Wayan Widnyana Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 1 8 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.7395 DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/9752 <p>This study aims to review and compile the corpus of literature on the quality of financial reporting. It provides a comprehensive study of fifty-four papers published between 2016 and 2023 on this topic. The study was retrieved from the databases of Scopus. This review also identifies gaps in the literature, some of which have opposing conclusions, looks at potential data sources for empirical researchers, and suggests directions for further research. The search for innovative and unexplored research subjects is driven by the need for novelty in the field. This study identifies the origins and consequences of high-quality financial reporting. The ramifications of agency difficulties—conflicts of interest between principal and agent—are further discussed in this article. The practical effect of IFRS is that it results in financial reporting that is more appealing to investors.</p> I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi Wayan Suartana Gerianta Yasa Ketut Budiartha Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 9 22 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.9752 DETERMINANTS OF WHISTLEBLOWING ON ACADEMIC FRAUD OF ACCOUNTING STUDENTS https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/8114 <p>Accounting students' role in maintaining ethical standards by reporting fraud is crucial. This study empirically examines how individual factors—attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, and Machiavellianism—affect their decisions. Using a quantitative approach, 212 Indonesian accounting students participated via questionnaire surveys and purposive sampling. Findings from Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis reveal positive correlations between willingness to report fraud and attitudes, norms, control perceptions, and Machiavellianism. These results underline the significance of addressing individual factors to foster a culture of integrity and accountability within the accounting profession, guiding educational institutions and policymakers in developing strategies to encourage ethical behavior and whistleblowing.</p> Citra Anggreani Falikhatun Falikhatun Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 23 34 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.8114 THE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY AND COMPANY SIZE AFFECTING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND DIVIDEND POLICY https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/7531 <p>Investment is no longer limited to the upper class; it now includes participation from the lower middle class as well. This research was conducted at the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a sample size of 45. The sample comprised 15 companies with a three-year observation period. Based on the outcomes of this research, researchers can draw the following conclusions: Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) and firm size exhibit a positive influence on financial performance. However, company performance also serves as a mediator in the relationship between firm size and its impact on dividend policy. The practical implication for investors is to take into account variables that have been demonstrated to influence dividend policy when making investment decisions, with the aim of maximizing profits from dividends. For companies, it is essential to recognize that these variables, particularly the allure of dividends, can become a compelling attraction for the company itself.</p> Gede Putra Ida Manuari Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 35 42 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.7531 PERFORMANCE OF SMALL BUSINESSES: DOES SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING ISSUE MATTER? https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/10188 <p>Sustainability reporting serves as a valuable tool to demonstrate how a business addresses economic and environmental challenges. This study investigates the influence of age, size and sustainability reporting comprehension of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) on their performance. From a certain population, 40 MSMEs were successfully collected as samples. Logistic regression was employed as the data analysis method. The results reveal that the age do not affect performance, meanwhile size positively affects performance. Moreover, it is found that sustainability reporting comprehension negatively affects performance of MSMEs. The results of this study contribute to bridge the literature gap in the scope of sustainability reporting for MSMEs. In addition, it offers support for the adoption of sustainability reporting standards for MSMEs as a specific sector.</p> Efva Gozali Ruth Hamzah Ika Ferina Mutiara Annisa Antonius Toruan Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 43 56 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.10188 REAL EARNINGS MANAGEMENT AND CASH HOLDING PERFORMANCE: AUDITOR INDUSTRY SPECIALIZATION AS MODERATING VARIABLE https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/8080 <p>This academic work intends to obtain empirical evidence about the signaling perspective on real earnings management to describe cash holdings. The theoretical contradictions of real earnings management reflect management's opportunistic attitude and optimistic attitude which signifies positive earnings. The research design is a quantitative study with a sample of 216 units of analysis. Secondary research data was obtained from the Indonesian stock exchange for 2019-2021. Multiple linear regression testing results prove that real earnings management gives a positive signal about cash holding. Auditor industry specialization which reflects audit quality is proven to strengthen the relationship between real earnings management and cash holding. This contributes to the realm of signal theory as an alternative explanation of the relationship between real earnings management and cash holding. In addition, the role of industry-specialized auditors is a driving force in strengthening positive signals that reflect alignment between management policies and cash-holding performance.</p> Mukhlasin Mukhlasin Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 57 64 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.8080 THE IMPLICATION OF PROFITABILITY AS A MODERATING IN THE RELATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE TO MARKET REACTION https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/7671 <p>This study aims to analyze and empirically evaluate the effect of financial and non-financial information submitted through annual reports on the market reaction, proxied by trading volume activity. A study was conducted in 103 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2017-2021 period with 515 annual reports. The panel data moderating regression results show that environmental certification and financial performance, measured by Sales growth, market value added, and Tobin's Q Ratio, do not affect the market reaction. However, return on equity as a Profitability measurement can strengthen the relationship between environmental certification and sales growth in trading volume activity. This study implies that a high return on equity in companies attracts an investor more than environmental certification. Besides, it could change the confidence of the investor to invest in a company that has been obtaining ISO 14001 certificates.</p> Anna Widiatami Nasriatun Khasanah Ida Aeni Ahmad Nurkhin Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 65 76 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.7671 MODERATING EFFECT OF PROFITABILITY: ANALYSIS ON ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION, FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE, AND MARKET REACTION https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/11356 <p>Companies have good credibility to encourage investors to invest their capital. This is based on the company's success which can be seen from the company's performance. The company's performance can be measured from financial performance. Therefore, this research aims at revealing the influence of Intellectual Capital on Company Value with Financial Performance as an Intervening Variable in LQ45 Companies listed on the BEI in 2014-2018. This research used descriptive and verification quantitative methods. The research was conducted in 17 companies based on a purposive sampling technique with an observation period of five years. The result of the analysis was that the calculated t was greater than the t table. Thus, it showed that there was an influence of intellectual capital on company value with Financial Performance (ROE) not being able to mediate the influence of Intellectual Capital on Company Value.</p> Ridwan Ridwan Yuyun Yuhana Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 77 84 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.11356 FORMATION OF AN OPTIMAL PORTFOLIO OF LQ45 SHARES USING MARKOWITZ METHOD https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/8445 <p>Currently, there are still many investors who do not realize that stock management strategies are important. Therefore, as a practitioner, through this research, it is hoped that authors can help overcome this problem so that it can calculate maximum profits in-stock selection. This research aims at understanding stock management strategies by forming a Markowitz portfolio with the help of the K-Means grouping method. The population in this research included stock companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The sample selection method used was the targeted sampling method. The sample data used was daily stock returns from LQ45 stock companies. The research results showed that based on data processing, stock grouping using the k-Means method and the Markowitz method was proven to produce maximum profits and low risk. Therefore, the method used in this research can be useful in the world of finance, especially to help investors.</p> Abdurrahman Al Ghifari Al Ghifari Toni Toharodin Triyani Hendrawati Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 85 94 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.8445 ACCRUAL EARNINGS MANAGEMENT, REAL EARNINGS MANAGEMENT, AND COST OF DEBT: DOES CAPITAL STRUCTURE MATTER? https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/11734 <p>This study looks at how accrual and real earnings management affect the cost of debt. This study also considers capital structure as a moderating variable. This quantitative study draws on data from the financial statements of manufacturing businesses listed on the IDX from 2016 to 2020. The research data was gathered from www.idnfinancial.com. Purposive sampling is employed in this study, with a sample size of 565 observations. Multiple linear regression analysis was employed to evaluate hypotheses with panel data. According to this study, accrual earnings management is unrelated to the cost of debt. Meanwhile, real earnings management correlates favorably with the cost of debt. The moderating influence of capital structure is often missing or minor in the link between real earnings management and the cost of debt. This research enriches the knowledge discussing the hazards of earnings management performed by managers in organizations with specific debt levels.</p> Amrie Firmansyah Dani Kharismawan Prakosa Muhammad Panji Anugerah Al ‘Alam Pria Aji Pamungkas Muchamad Rizal Pua Geno Irfan Fauzi Muchamad Izaaz Hannun Bachtiar Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 95 106 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.11734 HERDING BEHAVIOR IN THE SHARIA CAPITAL MARKET ON INVESTMENT DECISIONS https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/12172 <p>Herding behaviour is an irrational decision-making because it is the following of other investors. Using information asymmetry as a moderating variable, this research aims at identifying the factors that influenced investment decisions. The research object was the Jakarta Islamic Index, and the data used were quarterly data from 2019 to 2021. The methods of sampling and analysis used were the panel data regression method and the purposive sampling method. The results showed that volatility, exchange rate, market sentiment and firm size positively and significantly affected herding behaviour. Information asymmetry strengthened the influence of herding behaviour on investment decisions. Furthermore, investors and potential investors could use the results to make future investment decisions.</p> Adibah Yahya Azhar Affandi Aldrin Herwani Atang Hermawan Jaja Suteja Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 107 118 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.12172 MEASURING HOSPITAL EFFICIENCY DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/12449 <p>By addressing indicators of inefficiency at the initial of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals can immediately respond through resources. This research aims at assessing the efficiency of both government and commercial hospitals in Indonesia during the pandemic. Accounting data was collected from documentation of financial statements. The data was analyzed by using the data envelopment analysis technique and Tobit regression. The research showed that over three years of the pandemic, the hospital's efficiency rate decreased successively by 100%, 86%, and 76%. However, the optimization of hospital efficiency can be significantly improved by revenue factors, specifically the quantifiable quantity of income generated. This highlighted the need to increase revenue to ensure the provision of high-quality services to the general population. It is hoped that this research will shed light on the challenges faced by hospitals during these difficult times and provide insights for future improvements.</p> Yani Anjani Resi Ariyasa Qadri Tetet Fitrijanti Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 16 1 119 132 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.12449 SPIRITUALITY'S ROLE IN WEAKENING INTENTIONS FOR ACCOUNTING FRAUD https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/11850 <p>Financial fraud in zakat institutions has the potential to erode public trust in zakat payment. The research aims at examining the role of spirituality in moderating the elements that affected accounting fraud intention. The method used was a quantitative research with 170 respondents with a focus on Zakat management entities in Riau Province. The research’s data analysis method used the Moderated Structural Equation Model (MSEM). The findings of this research suggested that spirituality could reduce the impact of opportunity on accounting fraud intention. However, spirituality could not reduce the impact of rationalization and ego on accounting fraud intention. This had implications for organizations to pay more attention to psychological components, particularly spirituality, to minimize accounting fraud.</p> Siska Siska Zulhelmy Zulhelmy Rizki Hidayat Erni Yusniawati Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 16 1 133 146 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.11850 SIWAKOT APPLICATION: REVOLUTIONIZING TOURISM REVENUE IN BEKASI https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/12413 <p>The research evaluated the effectiveness of the City Tourism Information System (SIWAKOT) in boosting Bekasi City's Regional Original Revenue (PAD) through tourism. It analyzed SIWAKOT's impact on revenue generation and its role in the development of the tourism sector. Methodologically, it employed primary data analysis, stakeholder interviews and surveys focused on Bekasi tourism. The findings indicated that SIWAKOT enhanced tourism information management, expanded promotional reach, and improved tourist experiences, therefore, increasing visitor numbers and economic activities. The research suggested implementing SIWAKOT or similar strategies to leverage Bekasi’s tourism potential for revenue growth. It has contributed to innovative PAD augmentation strategies, emphasizing SIWAKOT's transformative potential and the importance of utilizing tourism resources for sustainable revenue enhancement in Bekasi.</p> Rachmat Pramukty Tri Yulaeli Mira Arumi Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 16 1 147 158 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.12413 ENHANCING TAX COMPLIANCE THROUGH DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: EVIDENCE FROM CORPORATE TAXPAYERS' USAGE OF E-BUPOT https://journal.unpas.ac.id/index.php/jrak/article/view/12614 <p>Digital transformation facilitates and accelerates taxpayers in withholding/collecting taxes and registering, reporting, and paying taxes. This research aims at understanding the use of E-Bupot in the tax withholding/collection process to improve tax compliance for corporate tax players in the Sumenep Regency. The authors used the phenomenology method by conducting interviews with two informants and then interpreting and explaining the actions or experiences of taxpayers. This research concluded that using information technology with E-Bupot was more practical in tax withholding. E-Bupot also sped up the tax collection process and minimized costs, including file storage because it did not use paper. The implication was that information technology could be an alternative to increase taxpayer compliance because technology had become a part of the lives of Indonesian people.</p> Moh. Faisol Norsain Norsain Copyright (c) 2024 JRAK 2024-04-16 2024-04-16 16 1 159 168 10.23969/jrak.v16i1.12614