JOMANTARA 2024-07-16T15:03:11+07:00 Erna Nurmalinda, S.Sn., M.Sn. Open Journal Systems <p id="E116" class="x-scope qowt-word-para-1"><span id="E117" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Journal </span><span id="E118" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Jomantara</span><span id="E119" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> is an international refereed e-journal&nbsp;</span><span id="E120" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">written in English</span><span id="E121" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">.&nbsp;</span><span id="E122" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">It</span><span id="E123" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">&nbsp;</span><span id="E124" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published in two issues per year (</span><span id="E125" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">January and July</span><span id="E126" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">) and scientific journal published by Unpas</span><span id="E127" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">.</span></p> <p id="E128" class="x-scope qowt-word-para-1"><span id="E129" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">The purpose of the journal is to bring a wide spectrum of participants to disseminate research findings of academicians, national and local government units, non-governmental organizations, heritage conservation practitioners and planners, tourism organizations, and the media. Specifically, </span><span id="E130" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Journal Jomantara</span><span id="E131" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on preservation and revitalizing </span><span id="E132" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">art and </span><span id="E133" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">culture in the world. </span><span id="E134" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Journal Jomantara</span><span id="E135" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> also caters to recent challenges and opportunities for saving treasured </span><span id="E136" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">art and </span><span id="E137" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">culture. Its scope encompasses the thematic as follows:</span>&nbsp;</p> <p id="E138" class="x-scope qowt-word-para-1"><span id="E140" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Social Work, Sociology,</span><span id="E141" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> Law,</span><span id="E142" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> Education, Communication, </span><span id="E143" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Performance </span><span id="E144" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Management, Culture and Art, Anthropology, History, </span><span id="E145" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Gender</span><span id="E146" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> Studies, </span><span id="E147" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Tourism and </span><span id="E148" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Hospitality</span><span id="E149" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">, Language and Literature,</span><span id="E150" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI"> </span><span id="E151" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">Graphic Design, Multimedia, Cinematography, Photography, Illustration, Digital Visual Literation, Music, Ethnography, Art Philosophy</span><span id="E152" class="qowt-font3-SegoeUI">.</span></p> An Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Research Articles: Examples from Natural and Social Sciences 2024-01-17T19:08:40+07:00 Annur Karima Zulyanputri <p>This present research investigates the use of lexical bundles in research articles across different disciplinary areas: natural science and social science. The results showed that there are some differences in the use of lexical bundles between disciplines in the term of frequency, structures, and functions. We found that the frequency of lexical bundles can vary between natural science and social science RA. For example, the lexical bundle "<em>in the learning process</em>" is more common in natural science, while the lexical bundle "<em>on the other hand</em>" is more common in social science. Based on the structural forms, the most common structural form of lexical bundles in natural science RA is verb-based. While the most common structural form of lexical bundles in social science RA is prepositional-based. The contradiction suggests that in terms of structure, there are differences between natural and social science RA writing styles, how the authors establish arguments, and also present results. Meanwhile from the functional classifications, we can conclude that both types of RA have the same order in terms of the frequency of the functional use, with research-oriented bundles being the most frequent. The findings can be used to improve the readability of research articles in one discipline, as well as to help researchers learn the conventions of writing in one discipline.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Publisher Universitas Pasundan The Education Meaning of Cockfighting Cartoons in Nusa Bali Newspapers 2024-01-17T19:04:25+07:00 Arya Pageh Wibawa I Wayan Swandi I Gede Agus Indram Bayu Artha <p>The purpose of the publication of this article is to reveal the educational meaning of the cockfighting cartoon in the Nusa Bali newspaper. Usually, the Nusa Bali Cartoon raises public or political issues with satire, jokes, or humor. In contrast to the Nusa Bali cartoon with an education theme, it features cockfighting, which only contains satire on public issues. Problems that arise: 1) What is the meaning of the cockfighting cartoon in the Nusa Bali on June 5, 2021 ?; 2) Is the cockfighting cartoon in the Nusa Bali newspaper dated June 5, 2021, educational? The problem of this article has been solved by using a qualitative method. Primary data was collected through newspaper observations and interviews with informants. Secondary data was obtained by applying a literature study. All qualitative data was analyzed using a semiotic approach with the help of symbol theory and deconstruction theory. The results showed that: 1) The connotative and denotative meanings of the Nusa Bali cockfighting cartoon; 2) The Nusa Bali cockfighting myth depicts the chances of success without work. The educational meaning of the Nusa Bali cartoon is represented by an explanation of the disadvantages of cockfighting, the state's prohibition on gambling for Indonesian citizens, and the prohibition on Hindu scriptures and literacy for Hindus.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Publisher Universitas Pasundan The Translation Techniques on Rupi Kaur’s The Sun and Her Flowers Based on the Lefevere's Perspective 2024-01-17T19:03:39+07:00 Kunkun K. Harnadi Riska Lufiani Supian Angga Maulana <p style="font-weight: 400;">This topic was chosen to analyze the translation techniques in translating the poem-poetry anthology entitled <em>The Sun and Her Flowers</em> wrote by Rupi Kaur, translated into Indonesian by Ni Made Purnamasari.&nbsp; In analyzing the poem, the writer employs the theory of Lefevere's (1975), which includes seven techniques, they are 1) phonemic translation, 2) literal translation, 3) metrical translation, 4) poetry into prose translation, 5) rhymed translation, 6) blank verse translation, and 7) interpretation. The method is used in this research is descriptive qualitative, applies documentationstrategies. The writer collects data through multiple phases: collection, analysis, and identification. The Lefevere's perspectives are employed to figure out the techniques of translation to translate the anthology. 20 poems were chosen for this research as the sample. The resultsrevealed that 18 poems applied literal translation, 1 applied metrical translation, 2 applied rhymed translation, 3 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;applied blank verse translation, and 5 applied interpretation translation. The number of translation techniques used in each poem is as follows: 1 poem uses 3 translation techniques, 7 poems use 2 translation techniques, and 12 poems use only one translation technique.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Publisher Universitas Pasundan Material Processes in BBC’s Articles on Plastic Pollution 2024-01-17T18:59:06+07:00 Autumn Windy Alwasilah Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna Lia Maulia Indrayani <p>Like many other pressing problems in today's society, plastic pollution is being investigated by linguists under the subcategory of ecolinguistics. In this context, the present study tries to identify the material process in BBC's selected articles on plastic pollution. In particular, by using the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) by Halliday &amp; Matthiessen (2014), the study qualitatively analyzes the way how material processes in SFL indicate something that has been done physically between two entities in a clause. This research explains verbs as material processes in clauses and the function of their appearance in BBC’s selected articles based on transitivity analysis as part of SFL and categorizes them as creative or transformative processes. From this research, it can be seen that the material process is very useful in writing texts, especially in defining a process, whether it is creative, or transformative. &nbsp;From the analysis, the actor tends to change of some aspects of the existing things, rather than creating the new ones by the process.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><strong><em>BBC, ecolinguistics, material process, plastic pollution, systemic functional linguistics</em></strong></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Publisher Universitas Pasundan Syntax of Language in Visual Arts Education: Interactive Understanding through Image Prompt Generator 2024-01-17T18:52:06+07:00 regina octavia ronald <p>The development of image generators in visual arts has garnered attention from the field of art education, and this article explores the interaction between language syntax and visual arts through the use of image prompt generators. Given the increasing utilization of AI technology in visual creativity within art education. The research methodology involves analyzing the language syntax within prompts used as instructions for image prompt generators, followed by a visual evaluation of the generated outcomes related to the language descriptions. Data analysis will highlight the correlation between language syntax instructions and visual interpretations, with the subjective of identifying the extent to which language usage influences visual artistic creativity. The results are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the impact of language syntax in creating visual artworks through image prompt generator technology. The implications of this research can enhance comprehension of language syntax usage in the context of visual arts and support the development of more interactive art education methods.</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Publisher Universitas Pasundan