The Morphological and Physiological Response Study of Tabulampot Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola ) with the Addition of Local Micro-Organism Fermented Organic Fertilizer (MOL)

Plant Phsiology


  • Tristi Indah Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi



Carambola, Tabulampot, Morphology, Physiology, Microorganism


Carambola (Averhoa carambola L.) contains high levels of vitamin A and vitamin C which are beneficial for health. Carambola is widely planted by the community as a plant in gardens, in the yard of the house and in pots (tambulampot), this sweet and fresh taste and contains a lot of water, has great potential to be developed and has high economic value. The principle of Tabulampot is a technique of cultivating plants by utilizing narrow land. The problem encountered in Tabulampot cultivation is the need for intensive care to stimulate fertilization. Besides being able to supply NPK nutrients, the use of organic fertilizers can also provide micronutrients. The use of MOL which tas Carambola (Averhoa carambola L.) contains high levels of vitamin A and vitamin C which are beneficial for health. Carambola is widely planted by the community as a plant in gardens, in the yard of the house and in pots (tambulampot), this sweet and fresh taste and contains a lot of water, has great potential to be developed and has high economic value. The principle of Tabulampot is a technique of cultivating plants by utilizing narrow land. The problem encountered in Tabulampot cultivation is the need for intensive care to stimulate fertilization. Besides being able to supply NPK nutrients, the use of organic fertilizers can also provide micronutrients. The use of MOL which tastes from rice washing water can actually have a positive impact on plant growth, where White rice water waste contains 0.015% nitrogen, 16.306% phosphorus, 0.02% potassium, 2.944% calcium, 14.252% magnesium, 0.027% sulfur, iron 0.0427%, vitamin B1 0.043%. The research method used was the Randomized Complete Design (CRD) with 4 levels of treatment repeated 3 times, namely P0 = No Organic Fertilizer, P1 = 250 ml/l Organic Fertilizer, P2 = 350 ml/l organic fertilizer and P3 = 450 ml/l organic fertilizer. The results showed that the addition of MOL-fermented organic fertilizer was effective, where treatment at P2 level (350 ml/l organic fertilizer) gave the best results for all components of morphology and physiology (height, number of leaves and days of appearance of flowers and chlorophyll content of Tabulampot Belimbing. tes from rice washing water can actually have a positive impact on plant growth, where White rice water waste contains 0.015% nitrogen, 16.306% phosphorus, 0.02% potassium, 2.944% calcium, 14.252% magnesium, 0.027% sulfur, iron 0.0427%, vitamin B1 0.043%. The research method used was the Randomized Complete Design (CRD) with 4 levels of treatment repeated 3 times, namely P0 = No Organic Fertilizer, P1 = 250 ml/l Organic Fertilizer, P2 = 350 ml/l organic fertilizer and P3 = 450 ml/l organic fertilizer. The results showed that the addition of MOL-fermented organic fertilizer was effective, where treatment at P2 level (350 ml/l organic fertilizer) gave the best results for all components of morphology and physiology (height, number of leaves and days of appearance of flowers and chlorophyll content of Tabulampot Belimbing.


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